President Ilham Aliyev presented “Istiglal” Order to People's Artist Ogtay Mirgasimov

President Ilham Aliyev presented “Istiglal” Order to People's Artist Ogtay Mirgasimov

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev presented the “Istiglal” Order to prominent film director, screenwriter and People's Artist Ogtay Mirgasimov.

Congratulating the People's Artist, President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Dear Mr. Mirgasimov, it is your birthday anniversary today. I heartily congratulate you on this occasion and wish you good health and continued success.

You have been working very hard for the development of cinema for many years. All of us are very happy with the work you have done in Azerbaijan in recent years. You have gained great fame both as an outstanding director and as an educator. You have played a major role in the development of Azerbaijani cinema.

Ogtay Mirgasimov: Thank you very much.

President Ilham Aliyev: At the same time, you are an active public figure. You have always declared your civil position. Your valuable opinions on issues of public concern are very important.

Your activity has been highly appreciated by the state of Azerbaijan. You were awarded the “Shohrat” Order in 2003 and the “Sharaf” Order in 2018. Today, on your anniversary, you are being awarded the highest order of the state of Azerbaijan, the “Istiglal” Order. I want to sincerely congratulate you on this occasion and present this order to you.

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The head of state presented the “Istiqlal” Order to Ogtay Mirgasimov.

President Ilham Aliyev: Congratulations!

Ogtay Mirgasimov: You are a remarkable commander, a wonderful politician and a man never goes back on his word. These qualities are important to us. We grew up exactly like this since our childhood – soldiers and heroes have always been role models for us. May Allah be pleased with you. You are the son of great Heydar Aliyev, your father. This is a great achievement, which is very inspiring. Everyone knows that.

President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much. Thank you for the kind words.
