FM Jeyhun Bayramov: Azerbaijan is determined to contribute to building secure and prosperous future in the region

FM Jeyhun Bayramov: Azerbaijan is determined to contribute to building secure and prosperous future in the region

“Azerbaijan is determined to continue to travel the path of development, which is instrumental in building more secure and prosperous future in the region. Our country is keen to cooperate with regional and foreign investors. We invite all the partners to support Azerbaijan’s efforts towards post-conflict restoration and rehabilitation,” said Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov as he addressed the Caspian Connectivity Conference organized by the Caspian Policy Center, as part of his working visit to the UK.

FM Bayramov highlighted Azerbaijan’s initiatives aimed at enhancement of regional partnership with the number of countries. He stressed the works accomplished and the important documents signed within trilateral formats in close cooperation with Türkiye, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
