Foreign diplomats accredited to Azerbaijan visit Lachin

Foreign diplomats accredited to Azerbaijan visit Lachin

A total of 60 diplomats and military attachés from 33 countries and 10 organizations have today visited Azerbaijan’s city of Lachin.

The diplomats first visited the Lachin border checkpoint. The diplomats got acquainted with the conditions created at the border crossing point and had a chance to personally witness the falsity of the provocative claims of the Armenian side about the closure of the road. They were briefed about the investigative measures currently carried out here in connection with the Armenian armed provocation committed on June 15, in which an Azerbaijani soldier was injured. The foreign diplomats were given detailed information about the incident.

The Azerbaijani side highlighted that at the same time the conditions have been created for the activity of the International Committee of the Red Cross for the transportation of citizens in need of medical care. Thus, any claims about the "blockade" are a manipulation by the Armenian side, which uses the fact of Azerbaijan conducting investigative measures for false propaganda, and which involved with this end in view foreign diplomats, who were brought to the opposite side of the bridge over the River of Hakari.

They also familiarized themselves with the landscaping, restoration and construction works carried out in the city of Lachin. The diplomats toured the first residential settlement in the city, and talked to the residents who have already returned to their homeland.

The diplomats then visited the Agro-Industrial park built to create jobs for the population returning to the city of Lachin. The facility will employ nearly 1200 people and house enterprises operating in the fields of food, industry, creativity, textiles, education, tourism and services. A total of 46 enterprises will function in the Agro- Industrial Park.

The foreign diplomats were informed that at the directions of President Ilham Aliyev, a total of 700 buildings are being restored in the city.

The visitors also toured the boulevard built on the bank of the River of Hakari.

The diplomats also visited the villages of Zabukh and Aghali.
