Prime Minister Ali Asadov meets with World Bank Vice President

Prime Minister Ali Asadov meets with World Bank Vice President

Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov has today met with a visiting World Bank delegation led by Antonella Bassani, Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Region.

Noting a long-term fruitful partnership between Azerbaijan and the World Bank, the parties lauded the successful implementation of joint projects covering various sectors during the past period.

PM Ali Asadov highlighted the measures undertaken to ensure a sustainable and competitive economy in Azerbaijan, including efforts to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, develop the non-oil economy, and boost employment. Additionally, he provided an overview of Azerbaijan's progress in implementing its green energy transition strategy, emphasizing initiatives in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Furthermore, Ali Asadov discussed the country's contribution to combating the consequences of climate change.

The parties explored the prospects of partnership between Azerbaijan and the World Bank in many areas, including the implementation of priority projects on the cooperation agenda, the preparation of the new World Bank Group's Country Partnership Framework, as well as cooperation issues within the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which Azerbaijan is set to host this year.
