Pope Francis highlights importance of COP29

In his address at the annual Audience for Members of Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See on Thursday, Pope Francis recalled that at COP29 in Baku, decisions were made to secure greater financial resources for climate action.
“I trust that these will allow for the sharing of resources for the many countries greatly affected by the climate crisis and burdened by oppressive economic debt. With this in mind, I ask the wealthier nations to forgive the debts of countries that will never be able to repay them. This is not simply an act of solidarity or generosity, but above all an act of justice, also in the light of a new form of inequality of which we are increasingly aware today: the "ecological debt" that exists particularly between the global North and South,” he noted.
“Also in light of this ecological debt, it is important to find effective ways to convert the external debt of poor countries into effective, creative and responsible policies and programmes to promote an integral human development,” Pope Francis emphasized.
“The Holy See is prepared to accompany this process, in the knowledge that there are no longer any borders or barriers, political or social, behind which we can hide,” the Pope concluded.
Ilgar Mukhtarov, Azerbaijani Ambassador to the Holy See also attended the event.