Task Force makes decision to tighten special quarantine regime on certain days

Task Force makes decision to tighten special quarantine regime on certain days

Currently, about 7 million people around the world are infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and about 400,000 people have died. Since the COVID-19 vaccine has not yet been found, countries around the world are taking preventive measures.

The large-scale violations of the existing quarantine regime by the population in recent days have had a serious impact on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in some regions of the country, leading to an increase in the number of people infected with the virus. In order to reduce the rate of the COVID-19 infection and minimize its possible implications, the decision has been made to tighten the special quarantine regime on certain days, the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers told AZERTAC.

“In particular, activities in all spheres of work, service and trade, as well as public transport and vehicle traffic in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Lankaran cities and Absheron district, will be stopped from 00:00 on 6 June 2020 to 06:00 on 8 June 2020 (except for the movement of special purpose, emergency rescue, ambulance and service vehicles of authorized bodies (institutions) and organizations).

The population is prohibited from leaving their place of residence or temporary stay in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Lankaran cities and the Absheron district at the indicated time.

Residents can leave their place of residence or temporary stay in the event of an imminent threat to their health and safety, if they are in need of emergency medical aid by using the ambulance service only, and in order to attend the funeral of a close relative by seeking permission from 102 Call Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Only the following institutions and services are allowed to operate from 00:00 on 6 June 2020 to 06:00 on 8 June 2020:

• State bodies (institutions) and other organizations the list of which has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

• Hospitals and ambulance services;

• Social service institutions, including care services for people with mental and emotional disorders, as well as those in need of special care;

• Utility services (water supply and sewage, gas supply, heating, energy distribution, household waste collection and disposal);

• Electricity generation and supply;

• Land reclamation and water management;

• Communication services;

• TV and radio broadcasters (television and radio channels, cable television);

• Freight transportation by rail, road, sea, air;

• Activities involving pipeline transit;

• Uninterrupted production activity (enterprises whose activity cannot be stopped due to production and technical specifications);

• Production, refining, storage and sale of oil and gas;

• Services involving the safety and security of suspended work and service areas.

The movement of persons working in the permitted work and service areas, as well as their vehicles, will be subject to an employer entering information about these persons on the “icaze.e-gov.az” website using electronic signature. At the same time, the activities of state-owned life-support enterprises and institutions will be regulated by engaging a limited number of employees.

On 5 June 2020, government agencies and institutions in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Lankaran cities and the Absheron district will operate until 14:00.

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, individuals, legal entities and officials shall bear administrative and criminal liability for violating the requirements of the special quarantine regime.

We once again call on our citizens to show solidarity in the fight against the COVID-19 infection, comply with the requirements and rules of the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and protect themselves and their loved ones.”
