Council of Pakistan condemns violence by Armenian Dashnaks against Azerbaijanis in Los Angeles

Council of Pakistan condemns violence by Armenian Dashnaks against Azerbaijanis in Los Angeles

The influential Council of Pakistan, based in Los Angeles, has issued a statement condemning the violence committed by Armenian Dashnaks against Azerbaijani-American community members in Los Angeles on July 21, 2020.

Speaking about the violence, the statement notes that “Not in recent history have we seen a conflict embedded in an international dispute take the ugly shape of what transpired on the streets of Los Angeles on July 21.” It is noted that Armenians, instead of protesting peacefully, made a “destructive, demon-inspired hate speech, vulgarity, intimidation and perpetration of violence on innocent people.” It is also said that Armenians attacked Azerbaijani community members because of their nationality.

Criticizing the Los Angeles city leadership and other elected officials, the statement underlines: “What we did not see or hear was an unequivocal denunciation of this violence by elected officials. …How can elected officials remain silent in such situations? How could civic-minded leaders of the beautiful City of Angels not call on their better angels to speak out against such barbarism?” The statement also stresses the need for the leadership who will stand up and speak out publicly against such aggression.

Highlighting the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, the statement emphasizes that despite the international community's recognition of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, Armenia continues the illegal occupation of Azerbaijan’s territories. It also notes the position of the United States on this issue highlighting that the U.S. recognizes Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

The full statement can be read here:

Around 1 million Pakistanis live in the U.S., including 250,000 in Southern California. The Council of Pakistan is the largest Pakistani-American organization.

The Consulate General of Azerbaijan has had a strong relationship with the Pakistani-American community as well as with other faith and ethnic communities in Los Angeles in order to strengthen the sorely needed intercultural and interfaith dialogue here, and to educate the local communities about Azerbaijan’s working model of multiculturalism and interfaith harmony. In 2019, the Council of Pakistan awarded Azerbaijan’s Consul General in Los Angeles Nasimi Aghayev with its highest award in recognition of his “outstanding and exemplary service in fostering dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation among religions, communities and cultures”.
