Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic phoned President Ilham Aliyev

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic phoned President Ilham Aliyev

On August 7, President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic made a phone call to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

President Aleksandar Vucic extended condolences over the killing of Azerbaijani servicemen during the events on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border in July as a result of Armenian provocations. At the same time, the Serbian President expressed his regret over the use of Serbian-made weapons by Armenia during those military clashes. He noted that a high-level Serbian delegation would soon be dispatched to Azerbaijan to investigate the situation. Aleksandar Vucic emphasized that he highly valued the friendly relations with Azerbaijan, which were based on strategic partnership, and, in confirmation, invited President Ilham Aliyev to pay an official visit to Serbia.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed his gratitude for the phone call. The President noted that the fact that the Armenian side used military ammunition produced by Serbia while subjecting to fire the positions of the Azerbaijani Army and civilian population was received with concern by the Azerbaijani society, adding that Azerbaijani servicemen and a civilian were killed as a  result of that firing.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed his satisfaction with the Serbian President`s decision to dispatch a high-level delegation in order to investigate the above-mentioned fact and discuss cooperation prospects.

During the telephone conversation, the sides agreed to avoid in the future the actions that could jeopardize friendly relations between the two countries.

President Ilham Aliyev thanked President Aleksandar Vucic for inviting him to visit Serbia.
