Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense addresses volunteers who want to join fighting

Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense addresses volunteers who want to join fighting

“The success of the Azerbaijan Army in the battles against the enemy for the liberation of our lands has caused a rise in the fighting spirit of our people. Encouraged by the success of the Azerbaijani soldier, tens of thousands of our compatriots contacted the Ministry of Defense and expressed their desire to join the battles voluntarily together with our Army,” a statement by Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense says.

“The leadership of the Ministry of Defense thanks everyone for their moral support of Azerbaijani soldier and expresses his deep gratitude to those who want to join the fighting and be with our servicemen on the battlefield.

We state that our citizens with combat experience who wish to participate voluntarily in battles should apply to the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription, not to military units.

Victory is with us! Homeland will be liberated from the occupation!” the statement by the ministry adds.
