Azerbaijani NGOs appeal to UN Secretary General and OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries’ presidents

Azerbaijani NGOs appeal to UN Secretary General and OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries’ presidents

Azerbaıjanı NGOs have made an appeal to UN Secretary General and presidents of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries regarding the deliberate attacks of Armenia on the civilian and industrial facilities of Azerbaijan. AZERTAC presents the appeal.

“It is with deep concern and resentment, we the NGOs of Azerbaijan, appeal to you with regard to the latest military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan which was launched on 27 September 2020. As of 6 October 2020, 27 civilians of Azerbaijan are killed, 141 injured, more than 500 residential buildings and civilian objects are destroyed by Armenia.

It is our intention to also draw your attention to the regrettable fact that Armenia is blatantly attempting extend the scale and geography of the conflict by launching attacks on the densely populated civilian territories of Azerbaijan, including Ganja, Mingachevir, Barda, Beylagan, Khizi, Absheron and other cities and villages in direct violation of the norms and principles of international humanitarian law, particularly the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

On October 4, the military forces of Armenia, using the cluster bombs banned by the relevant international conventions, bombarded Ganja, the second largest city of Azerbaijan with population of more than 500 thousand people situated 60 kilometers away from the conflict zone.

On that very day the aggressor Armenia also launched a missile attack of Armenia against the Mingachevir city, one of the major industrial centers of Azerbaijan. Targeting of the Mingachevir Hydro Power Station, hydroelectric power station in the South Caucasus, by Armenia could lead to its destruction causing the humanitarian catastrophe the people of Azerbaijan and the neighboring countries, which is an obvious crime against humanity.

Considering the above-mentioned facts, we, on behalf of the NGOs of Azerbaijan, appeal to you calling the United Nations to undertake practical and result-oriented steps demanding Armenia to stop committing provocative military operations and war crimes against the people of Azerbaijan, eliminate the attacks of Armenia on the industrial objects and enforce the occupant Armenia to completely and unconditionally withdraw its military forces from the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan in full compliance with the Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 of the United Nations Security Council.

Please find attached the infographics illustrating the recent war crimes of Armenia against Azerbaijan.”

The appeal was signed by the 45 NGOs of Azerbaijan:

1. Mr. Rauf Zeyni - National NGO Forum of Azerbaijan;

2. Mr. Sabit Baghirov – Foundation for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Market Economy;

3. Mr. Umud Mirzayev – International Eurasia Press Fund;

4. Mr. Alimammad Nuriyev - “Constitution” Research Fund;

5. Mr. Sahib Mammadov - Citizens' Labor Rights Protection League;

6. Ms. Novela Jafarova – Society for Protection of Women Rights named after Dilara Aliyeva;

7. Ms. Saadat Bananyarli - Azerbaijan National Section of International Society for Human Rights Public Union;

8. Ms. Saltanat Gojamanli - “Public Union for the Protection of Human Rights and Law Order”;

9. Gorkhmaz Ibrahimli – “Biosphere” Public Union;

10. Mr. Avaz Hasanov - Humanitarian Research Public Union;

11. Mr. Aziz Alakbarov - Azerbaijan Refugee Society Public Union;

12. Mr. Israyil Isgandarov - “Umid” Support for Social Development Public Union;

13. Mr. Vugar Bayramov – “Center for Economic and Social Development” Public Union;

14. Mr. Chingiz Ganizade - “Democracy and Human Rights Committee”;

15. Mr. Maharram Zulfugarli - Association for the Research of Social Problems;

16. Mr. Kamil Salimov - Prison Watch Public Association;

17. Mr. Fuad Mammadov – “Simurg” Azerbaijan Cultural Association;

18. Mr. Eyyub Huseynov – Independent Consumer Union;

19. Ms. Tanzila Rustamkhanli – “Azeri-Turk” Women’s Union;

20. Ms. Mirvari Gahramanova - Oil Workers Rights Protection Public Union;

21. Mr. Shamistan Alizamanli - “Support for the Promotion of Patriotism” Public Union;

22. Mr. Akif Naghi - Karabakh Liberation Organization;

23. Mr. Osman Gunduz - “Multimedia” Information Systems and Technologies Center;

24. Mr. Mayis Aliyev - "Investigation of Social Rights" Public Union;

25. Ms. Irada Rizazade - Public Association “Social Welfare for the Citizens”;

26. Ms. Bahar Gasimova - Republican Women's Society;

27. Ms. Malahat Ibrahimgizi - "Leader Women" Public Union;

28. Mr. Fuzuli Rzaguliyev - Public Union of the Azerbaijani Veterans of the Patriotic War;

29. Mr. Mehdi Mehdiyev – “Karabakh war disabled, veterans and families of martyrs" Public Union;

30. Ms. Mehriban Zeynalova - “Clean World” Aid to Women Public Union;

31. Mr. Ahmad Abbasbeyli - Development of Society and Civil Relations Public Union;

32. Mr. Nasiman Yagublu - Support for History and Press Studies Public Union;

33. Mr. Shahin Rajabov - “Azerbaijan Parent-Teacher Association” Public Union;

34. Mr. Aydin Abilov - “Beginner Writers and Artists” Public Union;

35. Mr. Fikrat Yusifov - “Economics” International Economic Research Association;

36. Mr. Elchin Huseynov – “Azerbaijan Writers Club” Public Union;

37. Mr. Aydin Karimov - Independent Law Center;

38. Mr. Ahmad Gashamoglu - Progress and Democracy Public Union;

39. Mr. Hafiz Hasanov – Law and Development Public Union;

40. Mr. Mirali Huseynov - “Democracy Learning” Public Union;

41. Mr. Shamsaddin Aliyev - Public Union “Support to Police”;

42. Mr. Asif Asgarli - Azerbaijan Democratic Students and Youth Organization;

43. Mr. Emin Hasanli - Demobilized Servicemen Public Union for the Youth Enlightenment;

44. Mr. Ilgar Orujov - “Azerbaijan Society of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and Masters” Public Union;

45. Mr. Ramil Isgandarli – Legal Analysis and Research Public Union.
