Photojournalist Reza Deghati: These past few days, in Karabakh, I saw cemeteries sacked, houses burned, and mosques turned into barns

Photojournalist Reza Deghati: These past few days, in Karabakh, I saw cemeteries sacked, houses burned, and mosques turned into barns

“The vandalism of cultural, spiritual and religious heritage is ununderstandable and unacceptable. I've witnessed it across different conflicts. These past few days, in Karabakh, I saw cemeteries sacked, houses burned and mosques turned into barns,” famous photojournalist Reza Deghati made a post on his Facebook account.

“In the village of Giyasli of the Aghdam district, this 18th century mosque was used during three decades of occupation to keep cows. Before leaving the district the occupant took what they could and burned the mosque. The reconstruction and rehabilitation will be a long process,” the photojournalist said.
