President: We must turn Karabakh into one of most beautiful regions in the world, and I am sure that we will achieve this

President: We must turn Karabakh into one of most beautiful regions in the world, and I am sure that we will achieve this

"The situation on the lands liberated from the occupation foreshadows great difficulties. There are currently no living conditions in these places. But we will restore these regions, all our districts, we will take all steps to create a normal life for our citizens,” said President Ilham Aliyev as he addressed the nation.

Noting that the first projects have already started, the head of state said: “The construction of the Fuzuli-Shusha highway and the Barda-Aghdam railway has already begun. This shows that we plan this work as efficiently as possible and, at the same time, in a short time, so that to organize all these activities without wasting time. Relevant state bodies have already been set up and all this work will be carried out in a coordinated manner.”

“The restoration of destroyed and ruined infrastructure, including the felled trees in Lachin, will also be in the spotlight, water reservoirs will be built. This in itself is one of the factors that will have a great impact on the development of agriculture and building an environmental equilibrium,” the President said.

“The overall economic, agricultural and tourism potential of all the liberated districts is great. We must maximize this potential and turn the Karabakh region into one of the most beautiful regions not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the world, and I am sure that we will achieve this,” President Ilham Aliyev added.
