President Ilham Aliyev: Global community has faced greatest health crisis in recent history

President Ilham Aliyev: Global community has faced greatest health crisis in recent history

“Throughout 2020 the global community has faced the greatest health crisis in recent history, with almost 60 million reported cases and more than 1 million deaths worldwide as of today, resulting in multifaceted repercussions in health, social, economic and financial spheres, causing disruption to societies and economies, as well as to global commerce and travel, and making a devastating impact on the livelihood of people,” said President of Azerbaijan, chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement Ilham Aliyev as he addressed a Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly in Response to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic.

The head of state said: “With the aim to contributing to the global efforts in addressing the unprecedented universal impact of the pandemic and to find out possible ways to provide a prompt, adequate and inclusive assistance to the Member States of the Non-Aligned Movement, Azerbaijan, as the Chair of the Movement convened the online Summit-level Meeting of the NAM Contact Group in response to COVID-19 under the theme “United against COVID-19” on 4 May 2020. As a practical outcome of this meeting the Member States of the Movement decided to establish the Task Force in response to COVID-19 and to work out a database on the basic humanitarian and medical needs and requirements of NAM Member States in their fight against COVID-19.”

“We are pleased to know that WHO uses the NAM database as one of its reference points for identifying the existing needs of NAM Member states in addressing the pandemic,” the President added.
