President Ilham Aliyev: Launch of TAP project will further strengthen Italian-Azerbaijani relations

President Ilham Aliyev: Launch of TAP project will further strengthen Italian-Azerbaijani relations

“Relations between Italy and Azerbaijan are developing very rapidly and are at the highest level today. My state visit to Italy earlier this year is a clear example of this. Many important documents were signed during that visit, including the Multidimensional Strategic Partnership document. This document reaffirmed our strategic partnership again,” said President Ilham Aliyev as he received a delegation led by Vice-President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Ettore Rosato.

The head of state said: “Two years ago, Italian President Mattarella was on an official visit to Azerbaijan. Today, Italian-Azerbaijani relations are developing very successfully in political, economic and all other spheres. You also know that Italy is Azerbaijan's first trading partner. Last year, our turnover reached $6 billion. Most of it is related to energy resources but I think that the non-oil sector will also have a special place in the coming years. As for the energy sector, as you know, the TAP project will be launched in the near future, which will undoubtedly further strengthen Italian-Azerbaijani relations.”
