Russian President, German Chancellor discuss situation in Karabakh

Russian President, German Chancellor discuss situation in Karabakh

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, where the leaders exchanged views on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Kremlin said in a statement.

They emphasized that the consistent implementation of the agreements recorded in the November 9 Statement by the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan and the prime minister of Armenia facilitated the general stabilisation of the situation in the region.

“The two leaders underscored the importance of resolving the urgent problems of the population that was affected by the armed clashes. In this context, they noted the need to involve specialised international structures in the work conducted by the Russia-established Humanitarian Response Centre.

Both leaders expressed their willingness to further cooperate within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group,” the Kremlin said.
