Azerbaijani FM makes statement on behalf of NAM member states at video conference dedicated to opening ceremony of International Year of Peace and Trust

Azerbaijani FM makes statement on behalf of NAM member states at video conference dedicated to opening ceremony of International Year of Peace and Trust

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov has made a statement on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) at a video conference dedicated to the opening ceremony of the International Year of Peace and Trust.

Addressing the event, Minister Jeyhun Bayramov thanked Turkmenistan for this important initiative and welcomed the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 73/338 dated September 12, 2019.

It was noted that promoting and sustaining international peace is a key issue to the Non-Aligned Movement, and the heads of state and government reaffirmed the validity of the goals and principles of the UN Charter, as well as the norms and principles of international law, which are indispensable in preserving and promoting of peace and security, the rule of law, economic development and social progress and all human rights for all at the 18th Summit held in Baku in October 2019.

FM Bayramov reaffirmed the importance of the Non-Aligned Movement member states' contribution to the promotion of dialogue, tolerance, mutual respect, understanding and acceptance at the regional and international levels, and the fight against radicalism, extremism and hate speech. In this regard, the Non-Aligned Movement welcomed the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 74/23 which highlighted the importance of interreligious and intercultural dialogue and its valuable contribution to promoting social cohesion, peace and development, as well as the culture of tolerance and respect among individuals, societies and nations.

The determination of the Non-Aligned Movement to work for a multipolar world through the strengthening of the United Nations and multilateral processes, which are indispensable for the interests of the nations and humanity as a whole, was expressed.
