Foreign Ministry: Luxembourg FM’s accusing Azerbaijan is an indicator of biased position that he demonstrates not knowing about situation in the region

Foreign Ministry: Luxembourg FM’s accusing Azerbaijan is an indicator of biased position that he demonstrates not knowing about situation in the region

“The fact that on February 24, 2021, the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn, during his speech at the 46th meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, accused “Azerbaijan of a military attack that led to numerous destruction in Nagorno-Karabakh, and Turkey in its support”, that is an indicator of the biased position that he demonstrates, not knowing about the situation in the region and completely contradicting the relevant principles of international law,” said Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as it commented on some remarks made by the Luxembourg Foreign Minister during his speech at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

“Why, then, Jean Asselborn, who is trying to portray himself as a defender of human rights, never raised a question in the UN Human Rights Council or other relevant international platforms regarding the fact that Armenia occupied 20 percent of the internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan for almost 30 years, carrying out bloody ethnic cleansing in those areas and grossly violating the fundamental rights of more than 1 million Azerbaijanis? Maybe the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry is not aware of the fact that during the military operations launched by Armenia on September 27, 2020, as a result of another military provocation, the Armenian armed forces purposefully targeted civilians far from the combat zone and killed more than 100 innocent Azerbaijanis?

Turning the issue of human rights into a matter of political bias will not bring pride to anyone, including the Luxembourg Foreign Minister,” the Foreign Ministry said.
