FM Bayramov meets with ambassadors of OIC member states accredited in Azerbaijan

FM Bayramov meets with ambassadors of OIC member states accredited in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov has met with ambassadors of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states accredited in the country.

During the meeting, Minister Bayramov spoke about the current situation in the region, including new realities arising after the conflict, a number of issues related to the implementation of trilateral statements of November 10, 2020 and January 11, 2021, post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction work, the participation of partner states in this process and new opportunities for cooperation in the region. At the same time, the unconstructive position demonstrated by Armenia (sending secretly its military personnel to the territories of Azerbaijan, refusal to provide Azerbaijan with minefields maps in the liberated territories) was brought to the attention of the heads of diplomatic missions. It was noted that the failure of the international community to put pressure on Armenia in connection with violations of international law by this country created a false illusion for the latter. It was noted that the implementation of trilateral statements is important to ensure lasting peace, stability and development in the region.

It was noted with satisfaction that the OIC has always demonstrated firm support to the just position of Azerbaijan, in particular, during the 44-day Patriotic War, and it was also noted that this position, based on international law, was also expressed in the resolutions adopted within the framework of the last meeting of the Council of Ministers of the organization.

The gratitude was expressed to the countries that have voiced their desire to participate in the process of restoration and reconstruction of the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from the occupation, as well as in the restoration of the historical, cultural and religious heritage in these territories.

The meeting continued in a question-answer format. Palestinian Ambassador Nasir Abdul Karim spoke on behalf of the OIC diplomatic missions as a doyen of the diplomatic corps in Azerbaijan. He noted the existing possibilities to visit the liberated territories of Azerbaijan and get acquainted with the scale of the destruction. He stressed the importance of restoration and reconstruction of these territories, returning of the former internally displaced persons to their homes. He reiterated the position of the OIC on ensuring lasting peace, security and development in the region. FM Bayramov answered numerous questions of the ambassadors.

The ambassadors of the OIC member states expressed their desire to continue meetings in this format in the future.
