Enrique Mora: Azerbaijan is an important partner of the EU

Enrique Mora: Azerbaijan is an important partner of the EU

Azerbaijan is an important partner of the EU in the Eastern Partnership program, said Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs of the European External Action Service Enrique Mora as he met with Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov.

At the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union (EU), a new agreement that will form the legal basis of bilateral relations, as well as prospects for cooperation, including the development of cooperation in political, economic, energy and other fields.

The sides noted that the relations between Azerbaijan and the EU are developing in many areas, especially in energy, investment, trade, etc., and the European Union is one of the main trade partners of the country.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov said that effective cooperation with the EU was carried out within various programs and projects, and the development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union is important for Azerbaijan.

The implementation of the Southern Gas Corridor project and the possibility of expanding the project to the next stage were also discussed at the meeting.

Speaking about the current situation in the region, Minister Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted the new security framework and prospects for cooperation in the region after the Patriotic War. The Minister briefed the opposite side on the latest situation in the region, the implementation of trilateral statements, the restoration and reconstruction work carried out in the region, as well as shared Azerbaijan's views on the normalization of relations between the two countries.

Expressing gratitude for the warm welcome, Deputy Secretary General Enrique Mora noted that Azerbaijan is a very important partner for the EU. Noting that there are strong partnerships between Azerbaijan and the organization, he said that these relations have a very broad agenda, covering the economy, technology and innovation, trade, energy and other areas.

It was noted that the European Union is interested in the stable and secure development of the region, and the EU is ready to support all steps in this direction and participate in regional cooperation efforts.

Enrique Mora also said that Azerbaijan is an important partner of the EU in the Eastern Partnership program, and Azerbaijan has made a significant contribution to regional security and stability. He stressed that the EU's relations with the country, including cooperation in the transport sector, have great potential.

The Deputy Secretary General stressed the role of Azerbaijan in ensuring Europe's energy security and the importance of energy cooperation in this regard.

The sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest, regional and international security issues, as well as the situation in Ukraine.
