FM Bayramov: Azerbaijan managed to transform the new challenges into cooperation opportunities

FM Bayramov: Azerbaijan managed to transform the new challenges into cooperation opportunities

“Azerbaijan is currently chairing the Non-Aligned Movement that is the second biggest political grouping of states around the globe. Assumption of the NAM Chairmanship by Azerbaijan coincided with one of the acute global challenges of our times – the COVID-19 pandemic. We managed to transform the new challenges into cooperation opportunities. Multilateralism received a new boost through several significant initiatives of global scale put forward by His Excellency President Ilham Aliyev as chair of NAM”, said Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov, as he addressed the ADA Model UN conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of partnership between the United Nations and Azerbaijan.

“Along with the ongoing pandemic, the humanity is going through a very difficult period when the international security system is being challenged again with confrontational approaches of different blocs. The growing discrepancies reaffirm the validity and historical relevance of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Our NAM Chairmanship provided a new impetus to multilateral youth cooperation. Last October we established the NAM Youth Network. It brings together youth representatives of the NAM Member States to promote the values and principles of the Movement, which are almost identical to those enshrined in the UN Charter.

Motivated by the Model UN simulation experience, for the first time in the 60 years-long history of NAM, we developed the Model NAM Simulation Exercises. In February this year at this very University we have inaugurated the first-ever in-person NAM Model Simulation Conference.

Simulation exercises are excellent experience for the young people in strengthening their practical skills before they become actual leaders. The participants test their knowledge and competencies in addressing challenging global topics. This is especially noteworthy in light of ongoing world developments”, the Foreign Minister added.
